
From 4 to June 14, 2025

Ángel Sanzo

Winner of numerous international competitions, Ángel Sanzo is considered one of the most outstanding Spanish pianists of his generation. His first recognition came after winning the First Prize in the “Frechilla Zuloaga” Contest in Valladolid in 1998. Subsequently, he obtained the First Prize in the “Joaquín Rodrigo” International Competition (2004), the European Piano Competition “Citta di Taranto” (Italy, 2007) and the International Music Competition “Princesa Lalla Meriem” (Morocco, 2000), as well as the Second Prize at the “José Iturbi” in Valencia (2000) and the unanimous Medal in the “María Canals” Contest in Barcelona (2004).


He has trained with José Felipe Díaz, Javier Herreros, Joaquín Soriano and Peter Bithell in London, receiving master classes from Ferenc Rados and Alicia de Larrocha.


He has been invited to play at numerous European festivals, performing in prestigious concert halls such as the Teatro Monumental in Madrid, the “Manuel de Falla” Auditorium in Granada, the Palau de les Arts in Valencia, the Mozarteum in Salzburg, the Konzerthaus in Berlin, the Tonhalle in Dusseldorf, the Laeiszhalle in Hamburg or the Wigmore Hall in London, among others. He has given recitals in France, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Austria, Italy, Germany, Portugal, Chile and the United States, making recordings for RNE, RAI, RTSI, RNM, RTBF, RBB and TVE.


He has performed as a soloist with the Castilla y León Symphony Orchestra, the Valencia Symphony Orchestra, the Malaga and Granada Symphony Orchestras, the Extremadura Orchestra, the RTVE Orchestra and numerous chamber orchestras, with conductors Adrian Leaper, Max Bragado, Michael Thomas, Enrique García Asensio, Xavier Puig, Domenico Longo, Miquel Ortega, Esther Sanzo, Lorenzo Ramos, Rubén Gimeno and Álvaro Albiach, performing concerts by Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin, Liszt, Grieg, Falla and Rodrigo. His wide chamber music repertoire has led him to play all over Europe with musicians such as Shirly Laub, Benjamin Dieltjens, Ángel Luis Quintana, Jesús Reina, Isabel Villanueva and the North American violinist Tai Murray, with whom he had a duo for several years.


Piano teacher at the Badajoz Conservatory of Music, he has become one of the most sought-after pedagogues in Spain. He is invited to be part of the jury of numerous national and international competitions and many of his students have been awarded First Prizes in prestigious acting competitions.

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