From 4 to June 14, 2025
Competition Jury
International soloist and recording artist, appointed UNESCO Artist for Peace. Gold Medal of Merit in the Fine Arts and Palau de la Música Medal. Chair professor at the Southern Methodist University (Dallas, USA), and Accademico ad Honorem at the Accademia Chigiana (Siena, Italy).
Founder and artístic director of the Festival Piano aux Jacobins i del festival Les Grands Interprètes, both in Tolouse (France).
International soloist and recording artist. Winner of the Montreal International Competition (1976) and the International Tchaikovsky Competition (1978). Honorary Doctorate from the University of Surrey (UK) in recognition of his contribution to the field of music.
International soloist, renowned for her interpretations of Chopin, as much as for her prizewinning career and her participation as juror of the most prestigious piano competitions.
Artistic director of the Iturbi International Festival of Valencia. Certificate of Honor Award at the Chopin International Piano Competition (Warsaw, 1980), and Gold Medal from the Conservatorio Superior de Música de Madrid. Great connoisseur of the work of Manuel Castillo.
Recognised director of musical groups such as the BBC Symphony Orchestra and Chorus, the Academy of Ancient Music, the Royal Scottish National Orchestra and the Monteverdi Choir and Orchestra. Honorary member of Trinity College of Music, the Guildhall School of Music & Drama, and the Royal College of Music.
International soloist and recording artist. Winner of the first prize at the Marguerite Long – Jacques Thibaud Competition (Paris, 1977).
Composer and artistic director of institutions of international prestige, such as the Teatro dell’Opera in Rome. For the importance of his artistic production and for his activity as a cultural manager, he has received numerous awards and recognitions. He is currently artistic director of the Accademia Chigiana in Siena.
President of the World Federation of International Music Competitions (WFIMC). Secretary General of the Geneva International Music Competition (Switzerland).
Technical pre-selection body
International soloist. Certificate of Honor Award at the Chopin International Piano Competition (Warsaw, 1980). Great connoisseur of the work of Manuel Castillo.
International soloist and piano teacher at the Superior Conservatory of Music of Badajoz (Spain).
International soloist and recording artist. Chamber music performer. Professor at MusicalArts Superior School, Madrid (Spain).