June 23 to July 2, 2021
Statement by 21st Iturbi International Piano Competition València
3rd of July
First Prize
Not awarded
Second Prize
Alexey Sychev
Third Prize
Salome Jordania
Ryutaro Suzuki
Best Finalist Prize, not awarded the first, second or third prize
Zifan Ye
Finalist Prize
Andrei Ivanou
Finalist Prize
Airi Katada
Finalist Prize
Zifan Ye
Prize for the best performance of Spanish Music
Antonii Baryshevskyi

Prize for the best performance of Chopin piece
Salome Jordania

Prize for the best performance of a Mozart Sonata
Salome Jordania

Prize for the best performance of a Beethoven concerto
Ryutaro Suzuki

Prize for the best contestant chosen by the audience
Alexey Sychev

Prize for the best performance of Imatges, a piece celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Iturbi Prize
Salome Jordania
The Institut Valencià de Cultura of the Conselleria d’Educació, Cultura i Esport will award €5,000 and a concert tour in the Valencian Community to the three winners.
Perfomances planned at Theatre Principal
Grand Finale
With the Valencia Orchestra
July 2nd
- Ryutaro Suzuki (19:30)
- Salome Jordania (20:10)
- Alexey Sychev (21:00)
Statement by 21st Iturbi International Piano Competition València
June 30th
The Jury of the XXI Concurs Internacional de piano de València ITURBI in Session No. 4, 30 June 2021 at 22:00, at the Principal Theatre in València has agreed to approve this list of participants to pass to the Grand Finale:
Classified participants:
Participantes clasificados:
- Salome Jordania
- Ryutaro Suzuki
- Alexey Sychev
Perfomances planned at Theatre Principal
June 29 & 30
June 29
- Andrei Ivanou (19:30)
- Airi Katada (20:10)
- Ryutaro Suzuki (21:00)
June 30
- Zifan Ye (19:30)
- Salome Jordania (20:10)
- Alexey Sychev (21:00)
Statement by 21st Iturbi International Piano Competition València
June 28
The Jury of the XXI Concurs Internacional de piano de València ITURBI in Session No. 3, 28 June 2021 at 20:00, at the Principal Theatre in València has agreed to approve this list of participants to pass to the finals:
Classified participants:
- Andrei Ivanou
- Salome Jordania
- Airi Katada
- Ryutaro Suzuki
- Alexey Sychev
- Zifan Ye
Perfomances planned at Theatre Principal
June 28
- Airi Katada (10:00)
- Ryutaro Suzuki (11:00)
Break (12:00 – 12:45)
- Zifan Ye (12:45)
- Salome Jordania (17:00)
- Alexey Sychev (18:00)
Perfomances planned at Theatre Principal
June 27
- Antonii Baryshevskyi (10:00)
- Mihkel Poll (11:00)
Break (12:00 – 12:45)
- Andrei Ivanou (12:45)
- Tsubasa Tatsuno (17:00)
- Hanna Yukho (18:00)
Statement by 21st Iturbi International Piano Competition València
June 26
The Jury of the XXI Concurs Internacional de piano de València ITURBI in Session No. 2, 26 June 2021 at 20:15, at the Principal Theatre in València has agreed to approve this list of participants to pass to the semifinal:
Classified participants:
- Antonii Baryshevskyi
- Andrei Ivanou
- Salome Jordania
- Airi Katada
- Mihkel Poll
- Ryutaro Suzuki
- Alexey Sychev
- Tsubasa Tatsuno
- Zifan Ye
- Hanna Yukho
Perfomances planned at Theatre Principal
June 26
- Vincent Ip (10:00)
- Airi Katadai (10:45)
- Ryutaro Suzuki (11:30)
Break (12:15-12:30)
- JuaniBarahona (12:45)
Lunch (13:30-16:00)
- Salomé Jordania (17:45)
- Alexey Sychev (18:30)
Perfomances planned at Theatre Principal
June 25
- Anastasia Yasko (10:00)
- Antonii Baryshevskyi (10:45)
- Mihkel Poll (11:30)
Break (12:15-12:30)
- Andrei Ivanou (12:45)
Lunch (13:30-16:00)
- Tsubasa Tatsuno (17:00)
- Hanna Yukho (17:45)
- Florian Feilmair (18:30)
Statement by 21st Iturbi International Piano Competition València
June 24
The Jury of the XXI Concurs Internacional de piano de València ITURBI in Session No. 1, 24 June 2021 at 19.30 p.m., at the Principal Theatre in València has agreed to approve this list of participants to pass to the next round:
- Anastasia Yasko
- Antonii Baryshevskyi
- Mihkel Poll
- Tsubasa Tatsuno
- Florian Feilmair
- Vincent Ip
- Airi Katada
- Ryutaro Suzuki
- Juan Barahona
- Salome Jordania
- Alexey Sychev
- Andrei Ivanou
- Hanna Yuko
- Zifan Ye
Public acces procedure to the Competition sessions
June 20
Primera fase. 23 y 24 de junio. De 10 a 14 y de 17 a 20 h. Entrada gratuita y libre con control de aforo.
Segunda fase. 25 y 26 de junio. De 10 a 14 y de 17 a 20 h. Entrada gratuita con reserva previa.
Semifinal. 27 y 28 de junio de 10 a 14 y de 17 a 20 h. Entradas disponibles a partir del 22 de junio www.servientradas.com.
Final. 29 y 30 de junio. 19.30 h. Entrada gratuita con reserva previa.
Gran Final. 2 de julio. 19.30 h.
Gala de clausura y entrega de premios. 3 de julio. 19.30h. Entradas disponibles a partir del 25 de junio www.servientradas.com.
* Nota: Las entradas serán por sesiones y no por días completos.