
From 4 to June 14, 2025

Nicola Sani

Nicola Sani (Ferrara 1961), composer and artistic director. He specialized with Karlheinz Stockhausen, after studying composition with Domenico Guaccero and electronic music composition with Giorgio Nottoli. He attended the composition seminars of Tristan Murail, George Benjamin and Jonathan Harvey.


He is the author of works for musical theatre and dance, symphonic and chamber compositions, intermedial creations, compositions for live electronics and fixed media, performed and presented in the leading seasons and festivals in Italy and abroad. The catalogue of his works is published by Edizioni SZ Sugar, Milan. His works have been performed by conductors, soloists and ensembles of international fame. His music is regularly broadcasted by radio and television stations all over the world. He has also collaborated with some of the greatest artists in the field of cinema, visual art and video art, including Michelangelo Antonioni, Nam June Paik, Studio Azzurro, Mario Sasso, David Ryan, Bizhan Bassiri. He has a large record and video production to his credit for important lables in Italy and abroad (including Wergo, Kairos, Stradivarius, Tactus, Medusa, Ema Vinci, Rara, Musicaimmagine).


In 2011 he was awarded the honour of “Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres” by the French Minister of Culture. In 2023 he was appointed Honorary Academician of the prestigious “Accademia delle Arti del Disegno” in Florence, followed in 2024 by the appointment of Corresponding Academician.


His activity in the management of cultural and musical institutions is particularly intense: since 2015 he has been artistic director of the Accademia Chigiana in Siena, board member of the “Archivio Luigi Nono” Foundation in Venice, artistic advisor of the IUC-University Concerts Institution Rome “Sapienza” University, member of the Scientific Committee of the Bassiri Foundation.


He was general manager and artistic director of the Teatro Comunale of Bologna, artistic director of the Teatro dell’Opera of Rome, president of the Istituto Nazionale di Studi Verdiani of Parma, president of the Fondazione Isabella Scelsi of Rome, dedicated to the cultural legacy of the composer Giacinto Scelsi, artistic director of the “Sonora” Project with CEMAT Federation, artistic director of the “Emergenze” Festival in Rome, curator of the “Electronic Art” Section of the RomaEuropa Festival, director of the Music Section of the “Electronic Art” Festival in Camerino. He was also a member of the board of “Opera Europa”, advisor of the German Academy “Villa Massimo” and of the American Academy in Rome.


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